And they cheat like hell lmao damn that's pathetic 🤣
2. players
Great game but the controls isn't that good but on the Nintendo switch it's better
Hi there! I love this bowling game but there is one thing that could be added. When someone bowls and leaves the 4-6-7-9-10 or 4-6-7-8-10 pins, it does not have the square/circle to say it is a split. But it is. It is called as "The Greek Church". Please add this and it would be 6 stars if there were 6.
I hate the ball and the pins please fix it I'm getting 😡😡😡😡 so pls fix it
Pretty good bowling game. Physics are mostly solid though the fact the other bowling styles use the ten pin physics is a little iffy, but it works. Weird bug though every once in a while the sound becomes distorted with long echoes. Only way to fix each time is to turn the phone off for a while but it always comes back.
Great game enjoying it immensely
Could be better
The ads that include video or excessive movement causes the game to lag. Played on airplane mode several times without ads and no lag. Play on any network with ads the static ads created little to no lag but same cannot be said for others. Purchased the ad free and played on network and no lag. Both were tested with multiple games. Also a setting for no volume at all including pins and ball rolling not just music